[ Introduction ]
The Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours degree
(BBA) admits students from a variety of backgrounds. It provides a set of common core
courses which serves to lay a broad foundation of various functional areas of business.
Apart from the common core, students enrol in any one of the 12 majors of the programme,
i.e. Accountancy, Business Economics, China Business, Finance, Financial Engineering,
Human Resources Management, Information Systems, International Business (Japan Studies),
Managerial Statistics, Marketing, Quantitative Analysis for Business and Service
Operations Management. In addition, students will have a wide range of minors and
electives from within and outside the Faculty. The BBA is designed to present an overall
view of management while at the same time provide students with the necessary skills to
acquire and suceed in a responsible position upon graduation. Students will acquire local
knowledge, regional coverage and international expertise from courses in the programme. To
enhance the learning experience of students, the HII teaching philosophy is employed, that
is High-tech teaching and learning; use of Indigenous coursematerials; high degree of
Interaction between students and faculty.